Using Mono, Portable .Net, and Microsoft .Net
Jason King is a senior programmer and computer consultant who has worked with .NET since its first release. In the past, King also worked with Linux and Mac OS X, making him an ideal author for a book spanning three different sets of tools on three different operating systems. Like Mark Easton, King too has a deliciously twisted sense of humor.
Chapter 1 ? Introducing .NET
Chapter 2 ? A First Cross-Platform Program
Chapter 3 ? Cross-Platform Pitfalls
Chapter 4 ? The .NET Framework Dissected
Chapter 5 ? The Spice of Life: GUI Toolkits
Chapter 6 ? Developing Distributed Applications
Chapter 7 ? Using Native Code
Chapter 8 ? Remoting, Components, and Interoperability
Chapter 9 ? Testing and Building Strategies
Chapter 10 ? Summary
Appendix A ? The Unified Modeling Language
Appendix B ? .NET Framework Map
Appendix C ? Additional Portable .NET Features
Appendix D ? Additional Mono Features