Boken innehåller essäer på temat sjöfart och miljö. Essäerna bygger på ett antal föredrag som hölls under det XIII Hässelby-kollokviet år 2013 av välrenommerade forskare i ämnet. Kollokviet arrangerades i Longyearbyen på Spetsbergen.
- International Shipping in the Arctic Region. Professor Aldo Chircop, Dalhousie University, Kanada.
- Regulation of Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSA) - Is it effective? Professor Hannu Honka, Åbo akademi, Finland.
- Emissions from Ships - A matter of Law or Politics? Docent Johan Schelin, Stockholms universitet, Sverige.
- Environmental Liability for Dangerous and Poisonous Cargo - Especially in Northern Waters. Professor Peter Wetterstein, Åbo akademi, Finland.
- Sustainable Transport Services in the European Union. Dr. Claes Granmar, Stockholms universitet, Sverige.
In August 2013 the Axel Ax:son Johnson Intitute of Maritime and other Transport law, Stockholm University arranged teh XIII Hässelby Colloquium in Longyearbyen, SPitsbergen. A number of leading international experts on the law of the sea and maritime law presented papers at the conference on environmental law challenges for the shipping industry.
This volume contains some of the papers from the conference dealing with issues such as legal aspects of arctic shipping, the establishment of Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSAs), environmental liability for emissions from ships and harbors and for dangerous and poisonous cargo and the legal challenges in creating sustainable transport services in the European Union